Guest Blog Post: The Surprising Connection Between Sailing and Hockey

Guest Blog Post: The Surprising Connection Between Sailing and Hockey

At first glance, sailing and hockey might seem like two completely different sports, but they share more in common than you'd think—especially when it comes to leadership. Whether you're a hockey coach or the skipper of a sailboat, your role is to guide your team to success, which requires strong leadership, building trust, and fostering team spirit. In this guest article, we dive into how leadership on ice and at sea intersect and what these two sports can learn from each other.

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Leadership on Ice and at Sea: How Hockey Coaches and Sailing Skippers Guide Their Teams to Succes

Whether you’re leading a hockey team or a sailing crew, being the one in charge is about more than just calling the shots. Both a hockey coach and a sailing skipper are responsible for making sure their team is working as one, moving towards a shared goal, and that everyone is supporting each other along the way. While the ice rink and the open sea may seem like totally different playing fields, the traits that make for a strong leader in both sports are surprisingly similar. Let's dive into how leadership on ice and at sea intersect, and what makes for a winning team.

Building Team Spirit and Trust

In hockey, the coach sets the tone for the team, building a sense of unity and trust. Everyone needs to know their role, but they also need to trust that their teammates will be where they need to be, whether it’s a fast break or a defensive stand. The same is true on a sailing boat, where the skipper leads the crew, making sure every crew member knows their role and understands the importance of working together. A boat crew, just like a hockey team, needs to function like a well-oiled machine – and that’s only possible if everyone is on the same page and trusts their leader’s vision.

When a hockey coach and a skipper foster team spirit, it strengthens the crew or team’s ability to tackle challenges together. Both need to lead by example, encouraging their teams through the rough moments, whether it’s a tough opponent on the ice or bad weather on the water.

Endurance and Resilience

Leadership in both hockey and sailing demands endurance, both mental and physical. Hockey coaches push their teams to skate harder, play smarter, and keep going even when fatigue sets in. Likewise, a sailing skipper must lead their crew through long, grueling days on the water, ensuring that everyone stays focused and motivated.

The best leaders understand that resilience is key. In hockey, a coach keeps the team focused after a tough loss or a rough period. On a boat, the skipper needs to keep morale high when the wind dies or a storm hits. It’s not just about getting through the moment – it’s about bouncing back stronger, learning from every experience, and pushing through the challenges.

Fueling Success: Nutrition and Hydration

Just like hockey coaches remind their players to stay hydrated during a fast-paced game, a skipper knows that a well-fed and well-hydrated crew performs better on the water. Proper nutrition and hydration aren’t just important for endurance; they’re critical for making smart decisions when it counts. Whether you’re chasing a puck or trimming sails, you need to be at your best physically and mentally.

Leaders in both sports understand the importance of keeping their team fueled. That means making sure players or crew members are taking care of their bodies throughout the day – not just during breaks, but consistently. Electrolytes, healthy snacks, and staying on top of hydration are just as important in a hockey game as they are during a long day of racing. Both coaches and skippers are responsible for making sure their teams don’t crash when the pressure is on.

Executing the Leader’s Vision

At the end of the day, both a hockey coach and a skipper have a vision for how their team or crew will succeed. But it’s not enough to just have a strategy – they need to make sure everyone is on board and understands how to execute that plan. In hockey, a coach might run drills and practice plays until they’re second nature, so that when game time comes, the players can anticipate each other’s moves without needing to think. The same is true on a sailing boat – the skipper directs the crew, but the crew needs to be able to anticipate and react without needing constant instruction.

When everyone understands the leader’s vision and works toward the same goal, things flow smoothly. Whether it’s a perfectly executed play on the ice or a seamless tack on the water, the results speak for themselves.

Relaxing After a Long Day

Of course, after a long, hard day of work, even the best teams need to know how to switch off and relax. A good hockey coach knows when to step back and let the team unwind, and the same goes for a skipper after a tough day on the water. It’s about letting go of the roles for a bit, sharing stories, having a laugh, and appreciating what’s been accomplished. Whether it’s enjoying a meal together after a game or a sunset on deck after a day of sailing, relaxation is just as important for building camaraderie as the hard work itself.

What Hockey Coaches Can Learn from Sailing Skippers

Just as sailing crews can learn from hockey teams, there are things hockey coaches can learn from sailing skippers too. Sailing teaches patience, an appreciation for working with nature’s unpredictable elements, and a sense of calm that can balance out the high-intensity world of hockey. Sailing can be the perfect off-season hobby for hockey players, giving them a chance to relax, build endurance, and strengthen team dynamics in a whole new environment.

At the end of the day, both hockey and sailing rely on strong leadership, teamwork, and a shared vision for success. Whether on the ice or at sea, it’s all about bringing out the best in your team and reaching new heights (or horizons) together.

GoBoi Store is a hockey-themed online shop offering high-quality, stylish, and cheeky apparel, lifestyle, and gift products for people who love hockey. Check out the GoBoi brand and our products at and on Instagram at!


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